
Writing can be a very lonely business, so it's a good idea to get yourself out there. Meet other writers, get tips on how to get published, and how to build a career. Don't forget that the more involved in any given society or association you get, the more you'll get out of it. But most of all - have fun!

For unpublished writers

SCBWI British Isles: The Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators started in the US, and has since come over here where it is starting to make a significant impact. It costs $70 per year to join. Once you're a member, you have access to online critique groups, real-world critique groups, socials, competitions (including Undiscovered Voices, which has to date launched 14 debut authors), masterclasses and an evening lecture series, online forums, an annual conference, and hundreds of friendly writers waiting to offer advice and support. You can find them at

British Science Fiction Association: The BSFA is home to a significant number of Science Fiction fans. As part of the organisation, they promote and support new writers, partly via publication of their 'Focus' magazine. You can find out more and become a member (£29) at

Contemporary Women's Writing Association: The CWWA is an organisation largely interested in women's fiction from an academic viewpoint. They promote new writing through networking and the sharing of information relating to publishing. It costs £40 to join. You can find out more at

Historical Novel Society: The HNS are open to membership from anybody. They originated from an interest to review books, but have grown and now have an international platform. They run competitions for new writers, and hold conferences to bring writers and readers together.

Romantic Novelists' Association: The RNA is largely made up of published writers, agents and editors, but every January they open up 250 memberships to new writers. You can find out more about the society below, and more about their New Writers memberships at

For published writers

The Society of Authors: The SOA has over 9,000 members. It costs £95 to join. Services include contract checks, a question and answer service, as well as offering work-in-progress grants for established writers. The society strives to support published writers in any way they can, including any queries thrown their way. You can find out more at

The Scattered Authors Society: The SAS (yes - the SAS!) is a group for published writers for children and teenagers. They aim to allow writers to network, including weekend events and lunches.

The Crime Writers' Association: The CWA aims to support professional crime writers and promote crime fiction. Events are run all over the country, including readings, workshops and readers' group events. They also run the CWA Dagger Awards, which recognise crime fiction through a number of categories.

The Romantic Novelists' Association: The RNA has over 700 members. They aim to promote romantic fiction and good writing through a series of awards, meetings, parties and an annual conference. Find out more at